Option Masters Education Series

0001 Kick Off Session
Course Description
Option Masters is intended to take you from the basics of Risk Management, Bias Determination and Strategy Execution to Option Greeks and Synthetics. We also review and detail how best to trade Option's on Futures as well as the difference between Reg-T Margin and Portfolio Margin. You will find all the Educational Videos here in the Option Masters Program will take you to an intermediate level trader. Enjoy!

1000 Professional Trading Principles
Course Description
In this Course, we will explore all areas of Risk Management to include defining what it really means. We will look at defining your R-Mulitples, Position Sizing, Building a Trading Plan, and looking at some simple hedging techniques to prevent significant losses in large market moves to the downside. And finally, as bonus material, we will look at Charting Techniques and key indicators you can use to help in your trade bias determination.

2000 Getting Started In Options
Course Description
In this Course, I will introduce to you all the primary components you need to fully understand in order to completely take advantage of the power inherent in Options. I will start with Option Basics, and from there we will go into detail on understanding Option Greeks, pricing theory and one of the most critical elements in Option trading; --Volatility. We will review what it is, how it can affect option pricing and how best can you exploit Volatility to your advantage.

3000 Vertical & Ratio Spreads
Course Description
In this Course, we will explore all elements associated with the Vertical Spread and Ratio Spread Strategies. From Credit Spreads to Debit Spreads we will review what they are, how to deploy them and then, once deployed what are the best approaches to trade management.

4000 Butterfly Option Strategies
Course Description
In this Course, we will explore all elements associated with the Butterflys. From the standard Butterfly, to the Broken Wing and Unbalanced Flys we will review what they are, how to deploy them and then, once deployed what are the best approaches to trade management.

5000 Condor Option Strategies
Course Description
In this Course, we will explore all elements associated with the Condors and Iron Condors. We will review what they are, how to deploy them and then, once deployed what are the best approaches to trade management.

6000 Calendar Spreads & Diagonals
Course Description
In this Course, we will explore all elements associated with Time Spreads. More specifically we will discuss Calendars and Diagonals and the Doubles. We will review what they are, how to deploy them and then, once deployed what are the best approaches to trade management.

7000 Straddles & Strangles
Course Description
In this Course, we will explore all elements associated with Straddles & Strangles. More specifically we will discuss both Long and Short Straddles and Strangles and look at the risk associated with each. We will also review what they are, how to deploy them and then, once deployed what are the best approaches to trade management.

8000 Singles, Covered Calls and Collars
Course Description
In this Course, we will explore all elements associated with putting on Long and Short Calls and Puts, using Collars to help your stock portfolio and ways in which you can deploy Covered Calls. We will also review what in entailed in each of these strategies, how to deploy them and then, once deployed what are the best approaches to trade management.

9000 Futures & Commodities
Course Description
In this Course, we will explore all of the major Commodity Complexes and look at how you can add these assets to your overall trading portfolio. We will break down Futures and how you can use them as well as Options on Futures to further enhance your returns. We will also review what in entailed in most of the highly liquid Commodity Asset Classes that are traded and the most common Option strategies used to deploy them and, once deployed, what are the best approaches to trade management.